Source code for source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Source class implementation in Python

:Authors: mdelvallevaro
          LucaZampier (modifications)

# # Imports
# Global imports
import numpy as np
# Local imports
import constants as const
import frame_transformations as ft
from satellite import Satellite
import quaternion

[docs]def compute_topocentric_direction(astro_parameters, sat, t): """ Compute the topocentric_function direction i.e. ũ The horizontal coordinate system, also known as topocentric coordinate system, is a celestial coordinate system that uses the observer's local horizon as the fundamental plane. Coordinates of an object in the sky are expressed in terms of altitude (or elevation) angle and azimuth. :param astro_parameters: [alpha, delta, parallax, mu_alpha_dx, mu_delta, mu_radial] [rads] the astrometric parameters :param sat: [Satellite] :param t: [float][days] time at which we want the topocentric function :return: [array] (x,y,z) direction-vector of the star from the satellite's lmn frame. (CoMRS) """ alpha, delta, parallax, mu_alpha_dx, mu_delta, mu_radial = astro_parameters[:] p, q, r = ft.compute_pqr(alpha, delta) t_B = t # + r.transpose() @ b_G / const.c # # TODO: replace t_B with its real value b_G = sat.ephemeris_bcrs(t) # [Au] topocentric = r + t * (p * mu_alpha_dx + q * mu_delta + r * mu_radial) - b_G * const.Au_per_Au * parallax norm_topocentric = np.linalg.norm(topocentric) return topocentric / norm_topocentric
[docs]class Source: """ | Source class implemented to represent a source object in the sky | Examples: >>> vega = Source("vega", 279.2333, 38.78, 128.91, 201.03, 286.23, -13.9) >>> proxima = Source("proxima",217.42, -62, 768.7, 3775.40, 769.33, 21.7) >>> sirio = Source("sirio", 101.28, -16.7161, 379.21, -546.05, -1223.14, -7.6) """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, alpha0, delta0, parallax, mu_alpha, mu_delta, radial_velocity, func_color=(lambda t: 0), mean_color=0): """ :param alpha0: [deg] :param delta0: [deg] :param parallax: [mas] :param mu_alpha: [mas/yr] :param mu_delta: [mas/yr] :param radial_velocity: [km/s] :param func_color: function representing the color of the source in nanometers :param mean_color: mean color observed by satellite Transforms in rads/day or rads, i.e. we got: * [alpha] = rads * [delta] = rads * [parallax] = rads * [mu_alpha_dx] = rads/days * [mu_delta] = rads/days * [mu_radial] = rads/days """ = name self.__alpha0 = np.radians(alpha0) self.__delta0 = np.radians(delta0) self.parallax = parallax * const.rad_per_mas self.mu_alpha_dx = mu_alpha * const.rad_per_mas / const.days_per_year * np.cos(self.__delta0) self.mu_delta = mu_delta * const.rad_per_mas / const.days_per_year # from mas/yr to rad/day self.mu_radial = radial_velocity * self.parallax * const.Au_per_km * const.sec_per_day self.alpha = self.__alpha0 = self.__delta0 # For the source color self.func_color = func_color self.mean_color = mean_color
[docs] def get_parameters(self, t=0): """ :returns: astrometric parameters at time t (t=0 by default) """ self.set_time(t) return np.array([self.alpha,, self.parallax, self.mu_alpha_dx, self.mu_delta, self.mu_radial])
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset star position to t=0 """ self.alpha = self.__alpha0 = self.__delta0
[docs] def set_time(self, t): """ Sets star at position wrt bcrs at time t. :param t: [float][days] time """ if t < 0: raise ValueError("t [time] sholdn't be negative") mu_alpha_dx = self.mu_alpha_dx mu_delta = self.mu_delta self.alpha = self.__alpha0 + mu_alpha_dx*t = self.__delta0 + mu_delta*t
[docs] def barycentric_direction(self, t): """ Direction unit vector to star from bcrs. :param t: [float][days] :return: ndarray 3D vector of [floats] """ self.set_time(0) u_bcrs_direction = ft.polar_to_direction(self.alpha, return u_bcrs_direction # no units, just a unit direction
[docs] def barycentric_coor(self, t): """ Vector to star wrt bcrs-frame. alpha: [float][rad] delta: [float][rad] parallax: [float][rad] :param t: [float][days] :return: ndarray, length 3, components [floats][parsecs] """ self.set_time(t) u_bcrs = ft.adp_to_cartesian(self.alpha,, self.parallax) return u_bcrs
[docs] def unit_topocentric_function(self, satellite, t): """ Compute the topocentric_function direction :param satellite: satellite [class object] :return: [array] (x,y,z) direction-vector of the star from the satellite's lmn frame. """ # self.set_time(0) # (float(t)) param = np.array([self.__alpha0, self.__delta0, self.parallax, self.mu_alpha_dx, self.mu_delta, self.mu_radial]) return compute_topocentric_direction(param, satellite, t)
[docs] def topocentric_angles(self, satellite, t): """ Calculates the angles of movement of the star from bcrs. :param satellite: satellite object :param t: [days] :return: alpha, delta, delta alpha, delta delta [mas] """ u_lmn_unit = self.unit_topocentric_function(satellite, t) alpha_obs, delta_obs = ft.vector_to_alpha_delta(u_lmn_unit) if alpha_obs < 0: alpha_obs = (alpha_obs + 2*np.pi) delta_alpha_dx_mas = (alpha_obs - self.__alpha0) * np.cos(self.__delta0) / const.rad_per_mas delta_delta_mas = (delta_obs - self.__delta0) / const.rad_per_mas return alpha_obs, delta_obs, delta_alpha_dx_mas, delta_delta_mas # mas