Source code for agis_functions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


:purpose: Functions that uses the classes source, satellite but don't belong
 to a given file yet

:used by: (at least) &
:author: LucaZampieri

The file is divided in sections, one for each purpose they serve.

When cleaning this file search for ???, LUCa, warning , error, debug, print?

.. note::
    In this file, when there is a reference, unless explicitly stated otherwise,
    it refers to Lindegren main article:
    "The astronometric core solution for the Gaia mission - overview of models,
    algorithms, and software implementation" by L. Lindegren, U. Lammer, D. Hobbs,
    W. O'Mullane, U. Bastian, and J.Hernandez
    The reference is usually made in the following way: Ref. Paper [LUDW2011]_ eq. [1]

    - [DONE] Rotate the attitude
    - [DONE] attitude i.e. generate observations (with scanner object but without scanning)
    - [DONE] with scanner
    - [DONE] two telescope
    - Attitute with scanner
    - scaling


    * implement chromatic aberration
    * add acceleration to proper motion
    * add noise to observation
    * QSO
    * signal
    * binary source

# # Imports
# Global imports
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import BSpline
from scipy.interpolate import splev
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import quaternion
# Local imports
import constants as const
import helpers as helpers
import frame_transformations as ft
from source import Source
from satellite import Satellite
from source import compute_topocentric_direction

[docs]def generate_observation_wrt_attitude(attitude): """ Create coordinates of a star in the position of the x-axis of the attitude of the satellite :param attitude: The attitude of the satellite :returns: [tuple of floats] [rads]right ascention and declination corresponding to the direction in which the x-vector rotated to *attitude* is pointing """ artificial_Su = [1, 0, 0] artificial_Cu = ft.xyz_to_lmn(attitude, artificial_Su) alpha, delta = ft.vector_to_alpha_delta(artificial_Cu) return alpha, delta
[docs]def error_between_func_attitudes(my_times, func_att1, func_att2): """ Computes the sum of the relative difference of the quaternion components between two attitudes :param my_times: times at which the difference will be computed :param func_att1: [function] that returns an attitude quaternion to compare :param func_att2: [function] that returns an attitude quaternion to compare :returns: [float] The error in attitude (only qualitative) just for visualization """ error_in_attitude = 0 for t in my_times: diff_att = 0 att1 = func_att1(t) att2 = func_att2(t) diff_att += np.abs(att2.w - att1.w) diff_att += np.abs(att2.x - att1.x) diff_att += np.abs(att2.y - att1.y) diff_att += np.abs(att2.z - att1.z) error_in_attitude += np.abs(diff_att) error_in_attitude /= len(my_times) return error_in_attitude
[docs]def attitude_from_alpha_delta(source, sat, t, vertical_angle_dev=0): """ :param source: [Source object] :param sat: [satellite object] :param t: [float] time :param vertical_angle_dev: how much we deviate from zeta """ Cu = source.unit_topocentric_function(sat, t) Su = np.array([1, 0, 0]) if vertical_angle_dev == 0: vector, angle = helpers.get_rotation_vector_and_angle(Cu, Su) q_out = quaternion.from_rotation_vector(angle*vector) else: Cu_xy = helpers.normalize(np.array([Cu[0], Cu[1], 0])) # Cu on S-[xy] plane v1, a1 = helpers.get_rotation_vector_and_angle(Cu_xy, Su) q1 = quaternion.from_rotation_vector(v1*a1) Su_xy = ft.rotate_by_quaternion(q1.inverse(), Su) # Su rotated to be on same xy than Cu_xy v2, a2 = helpers.get_rotation_vector_and_angle(Cu, Su_xy) q2_dev = quaternion.from_rotation_vector(v2*(a2+vertical_angle_dev)) # deviaetd_Su = ft.rotate_by_quaternion(q2_dev.inverse(), Su_xy) q_out = q1*q2_dev # angle -= 0.2 return q_out
[docs]def add_noise_to_calc_source(s, noise=1e-12): """ :action: Adds noise to given calc_source (inline) :param s: [calc_source object] that we wish to make noisy :param noise: [numpy array] of five elements, one for each parameter of the source """ s.s_params[0] += noise[0] s.s_params[1] += noise[1] s.s_params[2] += noise[2] s.s_params[3] += noise[3] s.s_params[4] += noise[4]
def spin_axis_from_alpha_delta(source, sat, t): raise ValueError('This function is obsolete') Cu = source.unit_topocentric_function(sat, t) Su = np.array([1, 0, 0]) vector, angle = helpers.get_rotation_vector_and_angle(Cu, Su) return vector
[docs]def scanning_direction(source, sat, t): """ Computes the y-coordinates of the SRS frame, which is an approximation of the scanning direction. Use for plotting alone """ raise ValueError('This functinon is obsolete') att = sat.func_attitude(t) scanning_y_coordinate = ft.rotate_by_quaternion(att, [0, 1, 0]) return scanning_y_coordinate
def scanning_y_coordinate(source, sat, t): raise ValueError('This function is obsolete') # raise ValueError('Check that ') att = get_fake_attitude(source, sat, t) y_vec = ft.rotate_by_quaternion(att, [0, 1, 0]) # vector = vector/np.linalg.norm(vector) # satellite_position = sat.ephemeris_bcrs(t) return y_vec def get_fake_attitude(source, sat, t): raise ValueError('This function is obsolete') quat1 = attitude_from_alpha_delta(source, sat, t) # quat2 = Quaternion(vector=np.array([1, 0, 0]), angle=const.sat_angle) attitude = quat1 # * quat2 return attitude # sat.func_attitude(t)
[docs]def get_angular_FFoV_PFoV(sat, t): """ Computes angular positions (righ ascension :math:`\\alpha`, declination :math:`\\delta`) of the fields of view as a function of time. The angles are as seen from the satellite (Co-Moving Reference System). :param sat: [Satellite object] :param t: time at which we want the FoVs pointing directions :returns: :math:`\\alpha_{PFoV}, \\delta_{PFoV}, \\alpha_{FFoV},\\delta_{FFoV}` """ z_axis = np.array([0, 0, 1]) attitude = sat.func_attitude(t) angle = const.Gamma_c / 2 quat_PFoV = quaternion.from_rotation_vector(z_axis*angle) quat_FFoV = quaternion.from_rotation_vector(z_axis*(-angle)) PFoV_SRS = ft.rotate_by_quaternion(quat_PFoV, np.array([1, 0, 0])) FFoV_SRS = ft.rotate_by_quaternion(quat_FFoV, np.array([1, 0, 0])) PFoV_CoMRS = ft.xyz_to_lmn(attitude, PFoV_SRS) FFoV_CoMRS = ft.xyz_to_lmn(attitude, FFoV_SRS) alpha_PFoV, delta_PFoV = ft.vector_to_alpha_delta(PFoV_CoMRS) alpha_FFoV, delta_FFoV = ft.vector_to_alpha_delta(FFoV_CoMRS) return alpha_PFoV, delta_PFoV, alpha_FFoV, delta_FFoV
[docs]def get_obs_in_CoMRS(source, sat, t): """ Get observation in the Co-Moving Reference System. :param source: [source object] :param sat: [Satellite object] :param t: :returns: (:math:`\\alpha, \\delta`) of the observation in CoMRS """ attitude = sat.func_attitude(t) phi, zeta = observed_field_angles(source, attitude, sat, t, double_telescope=False) # even if we have 2 telescope field_index = np.sign(phi) eta = field_index * const.Gamma_c / 2 z_axis = np.array([0, 0, 1]) quat1 = quaternion.from_rotation_vector(z_axis*eta) Sx_rot_eta = ft.rotate_by_quaternion(quat1, np.array([1, 0, 0])) vect = np.cross(Sx_rot_eta / np.linalg.norm(Sx_rot_eta), z_axis) quat2 = quaternion.from_rotation_vector(vect*zeta) Sx_rot_eta_zeta = ft.rotate_by_quaternion(quat2, Sx_rot_eta) obs_in_CoMRS = ft.xyz_to_lmn(attitude, Sx_rot_eta_zeta) return obs_in_CoMRS
[docs]def generate_angles_of_sources(times_for_source, sat, noise_factor=1e-12): """ Create source along the path of the telescopes. For each time in times_for_source create one source on PFoV, one between the two telescope and one on the FFoV returns a number *num_sources* x3 of ICRS coordinates (right ascension, declination) :param num_source: [list of floats] times where we want to create the sources :param noise_factor: [float] :returns: list of alphas and deltas """ # Warning be carefull to what you use to get alpha/delta from vector alphas, deltas = ([], []) for t in times_for_source: noise = np.random.rand(6) * noise_factor attitude = sat.func_attitude(t) alpha, delta = generate_observation_wrt_attitude(attitude) a_P, d_P, a_F, d_F = get_angular_FFoV_PFoV(sat, t) alphas += [alpha + noise[0]] deltas += [delta + noise[3]] alphas += [a_P + noise[1], a_F + noise[2]] deltas += [d_P + noise[4], d_F + noise[5]] return alphas, deltas
# ### For scanner --------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def get_interesting_days(ti, tf, sat, source, zeta_limit): """ Computes the days in which the Fields of View may see some sources. :param ti: [float] initial time at which we want to evaluate the interesting days :param tf: [float] final time :param sat: [Satellite object] :param source: [Source object] :param zeta_limit: [float][rads] zeta_limit for the field of view :returns: [list of floats] containing the days in which the source may be in the field of view of the telescopes """ day_list = [] zeta_limit = min(zeta_limit*6, 3) # why *6 ?? [rad] time_step = 1 days = np.arange(ti, tf, time_step) for t in days: attitude = sat.func_attitude(t) eta, zeta = observed_field_angles(source, attitude, sat, t) if np.abs(zeta) < zeta_limit: day_list.append(t) return day_list
[docs]def generate_scanned_times_intervals(day_list, time_step): """ Given a list of days, it will return the list of time that will define the intervals to be scanned :param day_list: [list of floats][days] :param time_step: [float][days] length of the time interval :returns: [list][days] list of times to create scanned intervals """ extend_by = 1 previous_days = list(np.array(day_list)-extend_by) extended_days = set(day_list + previous_days) times_for_scanned_intervals = [] for day in day_list: times_for_scanned_intervals += list(np.arange(day, day+extend_by, time_step)) times_for_scanned_intervals = list(set(times_for_scanned_intervals)) return times_for_scanned_intervals
# ### End for scanner ########################################################## # ### For attitude updating: --------------------------------------------------- # ## Just for plotting
[docs]def compare_attitudes(gaia, solver, my_times): """ :param gaia: [satellite object] :param solver: [Solver object] :param my_times: [list][days] list of times at which we want to compare the attitudes :return: figure object """ fig = plt.figure() colors = ['red', 'orange', 'blue', 'green'] labels_gaia = ["w_gaia", "x_gaia", "y_gaia", "z_gaia"] labels_solver = ["w_solv", "x_solv", "y_solv", "z_solv"] gaia_attitudes = [gaia.s_w(my_times), gaia.s_x(my_times), gaia.s_y(my_times), gaia.s_z(my_times)] solver_attitudes = [] for i in range(4): plt.plot(my_times, gaia_attitudes[i], '--', color=colors[i], label=labels_gaia[i]) plt.plot(my_times, solver.attitude_splines[i](my_times), ':', color=colors[i], label=labels_solver[i]) plt.xlabel('time [days]') # ("my_times [%s]" % len(my_times)) plt.legend(loc=9, bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 1)) plt.title('Attitudes in time intervals') return fig
[docs]def multi_compare_attitudes(gaia, Solver, my_times): """ Compares the attitudes in four different plots, one for each attitude component. :param gaia: [satellite object] :param solver: [Solver object] :param my_times: [list][days] list of times at which we want to compare the attitudes :return: figure object """ fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(24, 6)) # axes = [axs[0, 0], axs[0, 1], axs[ 1,0], axs[1,1]] colors = ['red', 'cyan', 'blue', 'green'] titles = ["w", "x", "y", "z"] labels_gaia = ["w_gaia", "x_gaia", "y_gaia", "z_gaia"] labels_solver = ["w_solv", "x_solv", "y_solv", "z_solv"] gaia_attitudes = [gaia.s_w(my_times), gaia.s_x(my_times), gaia.s_y(my_times), gaia.s_z(my_times)] solver_attitudes = [] error_component = [] for i, ax in enumerate(axs): Solver_attitude = Solver.attitude_splines[i](my_times) error_component = np.abs(gaia_attitudes[i] - Solver_attitude).sum() ax.plot(my_times, gaia_attitudes[i], '.:', color='k', label=labels_gaia[i]) ax.plot(my_times, Solver_attitude, ':+', color=colors[i], label=labels_solver[i], alpha=0.8) ax.set_title(titles[i] + ' error: ' + str(error_component)) ax.grid(), ax.legend(), ax.set_xlabel("my_times [%s]" % len(my_times)) plt.suptitle('Attitudes in time intervals') return fig
[docs]def multi_compare_attitudes_errors(gaia, solver, my_times): """ :param gaia: [Satellite object] :param solver: [Solver object] :param my_times: [list][days] times at which we want to compare the attitudes :returns: figure """ fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(24, 6)) colors = ['red', 'cyan', 'blue', 'green'] titles = ["w-error", "x-error", "y-error", "z-error"] labels_gaia = ["w_gaia", "x_gaia", "y_gaia", "z_gaia"] labels_solver = ["w_solv", "x_solv", "y_solv", "z_solv"] gaia_attitudes = [gaia.s_w(my_times), gaia.s_x(my_times), gaia.s_y(my_times), gaia.s_z(my_times)] solver_attitudes = [] error_component = [] for i, ax in enumerate(axs): solver_attitude = solver.attitude_splines[i](my_times) error_component = np.abs(gaia_attitudes[i] - solver_attitude) total_error = error_component.mean() ax.plot(my_times, error_component, ':', color=colors[i], label='diff |' + labels_gaia[i] + '-' + labels_solver[i] + '|') ax.set_title(titles[i] + ': ' + str(total_error)) ax.grid(), ax.legend(), ax.set_xlabel("my_times [%s]" % len(my_times)) plt.suptitle('Attitudes in time intervals') return fig
# ## end just for plotting
[docs]def get_basis_Bsplines(knots, coeffs, k, obs_times): """ :param knots: [array] knots intervals for the time discretization of the spline (for one (any) of the four quaternions parameters) :param coeffs: [array] of the coefficients to create a spline (for one (any) of the four quaternions parameters) :param k: [int] spline degree :param obs_times: [list][days] Times of observation :returns: arrays of size (#coeffs, #obs_times) """ basis_Bsplines = [] for j, coeff in enumerate(coeffs): bool_array = np.arange(len(coeffs)) == j tck_mod = (knots, bool_array, k) basis_Bspline = splev(obs_times, tck_mod) basis_Bsplines.append(basis_Bspline) return np.array(basis_Bsplines)
[docs]def extract_coeffs_knots_from_splines(attitude_splines, k): """ Extract spline characteristics (coeffs, knots, splines). The spline being defined as .. math:: S(t) = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} a_n B_n(t) where :math:`c_n` are the spline coefficients and :math:`B_n(t)` is the spline basis evaluated at time t. **N** is the number of coefficients. The knots are the time discritization used for the spline. :param attitude_splines: list or array of splines of scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline :param k: [int] Spline degree :returns: * [array] coeff * [array] knots * [array] splines (Bspline interpolating with degree k ) """ att_coeffs, att_splines = ([], []) internal_knots = attitude_splines[0].get_knots() # chose [0] since all the same att_knots = extend_knots(internal_knots, k) # extend the knots to have all the needed ones for i, spline in enumerate(attitude_splines): coeffs = spline.get_coeffs() att_coeffs.append(coeffs) att_splines.append(BSpline(att_knots, coeffs, k)) return np.array(att_coeffs), np.array(att_knots), np.array(att_splines)
[docs]def get_times_in_knot_interval(time_array, knots, index, M): """ :param time_array: [numpy array] :return: times in knot interval defined by [index, index+M]. I.e. all the times t such that :math:`\\tau_n < t < \\tau_{n+M}` where **M** is the order of the spline (M=k+1) and :math:`\\tau_n` is the knot number n. """ return time_array[(knots[index] < time_array) & (time_array < knots[index+M])]
[docs]def get_left_index(knots, t, M): """ :param knots: knots for the spline :param t: [float][days] time at which :param M: [int] spline order (M=k+1) :returns left_index: the left_index corresponding to t i.e. *i* s.t. :math:`t_i < t <= t_{i+1}` """ left_index_array = np.where(knots <= t) if not list(left_index_array[0]): raise ValueError('t smaller than smallest knot') left_index = left_index_array[0][-1] return left_index
[docs]def extend_knots(internal_knots, k): """ Extend the knots sequence to add the external knots. This is done because :meth:`extract_coeffs_knots_from_splines` returns only the internal knots. Therefore they should be extended on both sides by **k** knots. :param internal_knots: [array] containing the internal knots :param k: [int] spline degree :return: [list] containing the extended knots """ extended_knots = [] for i in range(k): extended_knots.append(internal_knots[0]) extended_knots += list(internal_knots) for i in range(k): extended_knots.append(internal_knots[-1]) return extended_knots
[docs]def compute_coeff_basis_sum(coeffs, bases, L, M, time_index): """ | Ref. Paper [LUDW2011]_ eq. [80] | Computes the sum: .. math:: \sum_{n=L-M+1}^{L}(a_n \cdot B_n(t_L)) :param coeffs: [numpy array] splines coefficients :param bases: [numpy array] B-spline bases :param L: [int] left_index :param M: [int] spline order (= spline degree + 1) :param time_index: [float] time index where we want to evaluate the spline :returns: [numpy array] vector of the """ # Note the +1 to include last term return np.sum(bases[L-M+1:L+1, time_index] * coeffs[:, L-M+1:L+1], axis=1)
[docs]def compute_attitude_deviation(coeff_basis_sum): """ | Ref. Paper [LUDW2011]_ eq. [80] | Compute the attitude deviation from unity: .. math:: D_l = 1 - ||\\sum_{n=L-M+1}^{L} a_n B_n(t_L)||^2 :Action: Compute the attitude deviation from unity :param coeff_basis_sum: the sum :math:`\\sum_{n=L-M+1}^{L} a_n B_n(t_L)` :returns: attitude deviation from unity """ return 1 - np.linalg.norm(coeff_basis_sum)**2
[docs]def compute_DL_da_i(coeff_basis_sum, bases, time_index, i): """ | Ref. Paper [LUDW2011]_ eq. [80] | Compute derivative of the attitude deviation wrt attitude params. See :meth:`compute_coeff_basis_sum` :param coeff_basis_sum: the sum :math:`\\sum_{n=L-M+1}^{L} a_n B_n(t_L)` :param bases: Bspline basis, B_n(t_L) in the equation above. :param time_index: [int] index that will get us to return B_n(t_L). Since we stored only B_n for all the observed times t_L, it is possible to access them only with the index :param i: number of the base that we want (**n in the equations above**) """ dDL_da_i = -2 * coeff_basis_sum * bases[i, time_index] return dDL_da_i.reshape(4, 1)
[docs]def compute_DL_da_i_from_attitude(attitude, bases, time_index, i): """ | Ref. Paper [LUDW2011]_ eq. [83] | Compute derivative of the attitude deviation wrt attitude params. See :meth:`compute_coeff_basis_sum` :param attitude: [quaternion] :param bases: Bspline basis, B_n(t_L) in the equation above. :param time_index: [int] index that will get us to return B_n(t_L). Since we stored only B_n for all the observed times t_L, it is possible to access them only with the index :param i: number of the base that we want (**n in the equations above**) """ dDL_da = -2 * quaternion.as_float_array(attitude) * bases[i, time_index] return dDL_da.reshape(4, 1)
[docs]def compute_dR_dq(calc_source, sat, attitude, t): """ | Ref. Paper [LUDW2011]_ eq. [79]. | Computes the derivative of the cost-function w.r.t. quaternion q i.e. the tuple of equations: - :math:`\\frac{dR_l^{AL}}{dq_l}=2 \cdot sec(\zeta_l) q_l * \{S'n_l, 0\}` which is Along_scan w.r.t. observation number l - :math:`\\frac{dR_l^{AC}}{dq_l}=-2 q_l * \{S'm_l, 0\}` where ``*`` is a quaternion multiplication :param calc_source: [calc_source object] :param sat: [sat object] :param attitude: [numpy quaternion] :param t: [float][days] time :returns: [tuple of numpy arrays] (dR^AL/dq, dR^AC/dq) """ # Here below we have "phi" since we set double_telescope to False phi, zeta = calculated_field_angles(calc_source, attitude, sat, t, double_telescope=False) Sm, Sn, Su = compute_mnu(phi, zeta) q = attitude dR_dq_AL = 2 * helpers.sec(zeta) * (q * ft.vector_to_quat(Sn)) dR_dq_AC = -2 * (q * ft.vector_to_quat(Sm)) return (quaternion.as_float_array(dR_dq_AL), quaternion.as_float_array(dR_dq_AC))
[docs]def dR_da_i(dR_dq, bases_i): """ See :meth:`compute_dR_dq` :param dR_dq: Derivative of the cost funtions w.r.t. the quaternion q :param basis_i: B-spline basis of index i """ dR_da_i = dR_dq * bases_i return dR_da_i.reshape(4, 1)
# ### End attitude updating #################################################### # ### Beginning field angles and associated functions --------------------------
[docs]def observed_field_angles(source, attitude, sat, t, double_telescope=False): """ | Ref. Paper [LUDW2011]_ eq. [12]-[13] | Return field angles according to Lindegren eq. 12. See :meth:`compute_field_angles` :param source: [Source] :param attitude: [quaternion] attitude at time t :param sat: [Satellite] :param t: [float] time at which we want the angles :param double_telescope: [bool] If true, uses the model with two telescopes :returns: * eta: along-scan field angle (== phi if double_telescope = False) * zeta: across-scan field angle """ Cu = source.unit_topocentric_function(sat, t) # u in CoMRS frame Su = ft.lmn_to_xyz(attitude, Cu) # if double_telescope is False, it will return (phi, zeta) eta, zeta = compute_field_angles(Su, double_telescope) return eta, zeta
[docs]def calculated_field_angles(calc_source, attitude, sat, t, double_telescope=False): """ | Ref. Paper [LUDW2011]_ eq. [12]-[13] | Return field angles according to Lindegren eq. 12. See :meth:`compute_field_angles` :param source: [Calc_source] :param attitude: [quaternion] attitude at time t :param sat: [Satellite] :param t: [float] time at which we want the angles :param double_telescope: [bool] If true, uses the model with two telescopes :returns: * eta: along-scan field angle (== phi if double_telescope = False) * zeta: across-scan field angle """ alpha, delta, parallax, mu_alpha, mu_delta = calc_source.s_params[:] params = np.array([alpha, delta, parallax, mu_alpha, mu_delta, calc_source.mu_radial]) Cu = compute_topocentric_direction(params, sat, t) # u in CoMRS frame Su = ft.lmn_to_xyz(attitude, Cu) # u in SRS frame eta, zeta = compute_field_angles(Su, double_telescope) return eta, zeta
[docs]def compute_field_angles(Su, double_telescope=False): """ | Ref. Paper [LUDW2011]_ eq. [12]-[13] | Return field angles according to eq. [12] :param Su: array with the proper direction in the SRS reference system :param double_telescope: [bool] If true, uses the model with two telescopes :returns: * eta: along-scan field angle (== phi if double_telescope = False) * zeta: across-scan field angle """ if not isinstance(Su, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('Su has to be a numpy array, instead is {}'.format(type(Su))) if Su.shape != (3,): raise ValueError('Shape of Su should be (3), instead it is {}'.format(Su.shape)) if double_telescope: Gamma_c = const.Gamma_c # angle between the two scanners # TODO: implement gamma_c else: Gamma_c = 0 Su_x, Su_y, Su_z = Su[:] phi = np.arctan2(Su_y, Su_x) if phi >= np.pi or phi < -np.pi: raise ValueError('phi should be -pi <= phi < pi, instead it is: {}'.format(phi)) zeta = np.arctan2(Su_z, np.sqrt(Su_x**2+Su_y**2)) field_index = np.sign(phi) eta = phi - field_index * Gamma_c / 2 return eta, zeta
[docs]def compute_mnu(phi, zeta): """ | Ref. Paper [LUDW2011]_ eq. [69] | :math:`S'm_l=[-sin(\phi_l), cos(\phi_l), 0]^T` | :math:`S'n_l=[-sin(\zeta_l)cos(\phi_l), -sin(\zeta_l)\cos(\phi_l), cos(\zeta_l)]^T` | :math:`S'u_l=[cos(\zeta_l)cos(\phi_l), cos(\zeta_l)sin(\phi_l), sin(\zeta_l)]^T` :param phi: [float] :param zeta: [float] :returns: [array] column vectors of the S'[m_l, n_l, u_l] matrix """ m_l = np.array([-np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi), 0]) n_l = np.array([-np.sin(zeta)*np.cos(phi), np.sin(zeta)*np.sin(phi), np.cos(zeta)]) u_l = np.array([np.cos(zeta)*np.cos(phi), np.cos(zeta)*np.sin(phi), np.sin(zeta)]) return np.array([m_l, n_l, u_l])
# ### End field angles and associated functions ################################ # ### For source updating: -----------------------------------------------------
[docs]def compute_du_dparallax(r, b_G): """ | Ref. Paper [LUDW2011]_ eq. [73] | Computes :math:`\\frac{du}{d\omega}` :param r: barycentric coordinate direction of the source at time t. Equivalently it is the third column vector of the "normal triad" of the source with respect to the ICRS. :param b_G: Spatial coordinates in the BCRS. :returns: [array] the derivative du_dw """ if not isinstance(b_G, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('b_G has to be a numpy array, instead is {}'.format(type(b_G))) if r.shape != (3, 1): raise ValueError('r.shape should be (1, 3), instead it is {}'.format(r.shape)) if len(b_G.flatten()) != 3: raise ValueError('b_G should have 3 elements, instead has {}'.format(len(b_G.flatten()))) if len((r @ r.T).flatten()) != 9: raise Error("rr' should have 9 elements! instead has {} elements".format(len((r @ r.T).flatten()))) b_G.shape = (3, 1) # r.shape = (1, 3) du_dw = -(np.eye(3) - r @ r.T) @ b_G / const.Au_per_Au du_dw.shape = (3) # This way it returns an error if it has to copy data return du_dw # np.ones(3) #
# ###End source updating ####################################################### # ### Beginning Color aberration -----------------------------------------------
[docs]def compute_deviated_angles_color_aberration(eta, zeta, color, error): """ Implementation of chromatic aberration :param eta: :param zeta: :param color: :param error: :returns: * eta deviated by the aberration * zeta deviated by the aberration """ parameter = 1/10 if error != 0: eta = eta + parameter * color zeta = zeta + parameter * color return eta, zeta
# ### End Color aberration ##################################################### # End of file