Source code for satellite

Satellite class implementation in Python

    - repair attitude for t_init != 0

:Author: mdelvallevaro

# # Imports
# Global imports
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.interpolate import splrep
# Local imports
import constants as const
import frame_transformations as ft
import quaternion

[docs]def gaia_orbit(t, epsilon): """ :param t: time at which we want the position :param epsilon: obiquity of equator :returns: the gaia position at time **t**, assuming it is a circle around the sun tilted by epsilon: """ orbital_radius = 1 # [AU] orbital_period = const.days_per_year revolving_angle = 2*np.pi/orbital_period*t b_x_bcrs = orbital_radius*np.cos(revolving_angle)*np.cos(epsilon) b_y_bcrs = orbital_radius*np.sin(revolving_angle)*np.cos(epsilon) b_z_bcrs = orbital_radius*np.sin(revolving_angle)*np.sin(epsilon) return np.array([b_x_bcrs, b_y_bcrs, b_z_bcrs])
[docs]class Satellite: """ | Class Object, that represents a satellite, e.g. Gaia. | Creates spline from attitude data for 5 years by default. .. note:: (see e.g. Lindegren, SAG-LL-35) The Nominal Scanning Law (NSL) for gaia is descibed by two constant angles: - Epsilon: obliquity of equator - Xi (greek letter): revolving angles and 3 angles that increase continuously but non-uniformly: - _lambda(t): nominal longitude of the sun - nu(t): revolving phase - omega(t): spin phase With also initial values nu(0), omega(0) at time t_0 the NSL is completely specified. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ti=0, tf=5*const.days_per_year, dt=1/24, k=3, *args): """ :param ti: initial time, float [day] :param tf: final time, float [day] :param dt: time step for creation of discrete data fed to spline, float [day]. :param S: change in the z-axis of satellite wrt solar longitudinal angle. [float] :param epsilon: ecliptical angle [rad] :param xi: revolving angle [rad] :param wz: z component of inertial spin vector [arcsec/s] :action: Sets satellite to initialization status. """ self.init_parameters(*args) #: orbital_period [days] self.orbital_period = const.days_per_year #: orbital_radius self.orbital_radius = 1.0 #: degree of the interpolating polynomial. spline_degree = spline_order - 1 self.spline_degree = k # = [] self.__init_state() self.__create_storage(ti, tf, dt) self.__init_state() self.__attitude_spline()
[docs] def init_parameters(self, S=const.S, epsilon=np.radians(const.epsilon), xi=np.radians(const.xi), wz=const.w_z): """ Init parameters with values in file """ self.S = S # obliquity of equator. This is a constant chosen to be 23º 26' 21.448'' self.epsilon = epsilon # "ksi" revolving angle. At any time the z axis is at this constant angle from s⃗ s→. # For Gaia, the current choice is 55º. self.xi = xi # self.wz = wz * const.sec_per_day * const.AU_per_pc # original version ##to [rad/day] self.wz = wz * const.sec_per_day * const.rad_per_arcsec # to [rad/day] self.revolutions_per_day = self.wz/(2*np.pi) self.time_of_revolution = 1/self.revolutions_per_day # time in [days] # Nominal longitud of the sun in the ecliptic plane self.lambda_dot = 2 * np.pi / const.days_per_year # [rad/day] (lambda dot set as const)
[docs] def ephemeris_bcrs(self, t): """ Defines the orbit of the satellite around the sun Returns the barycentric ephemeris of the Gaia satellite at time t. Equivalently written b_G(t) :param t: float [days] :return: [np.array] 3D [AU] BCRS position-vector of the satellite """ bcrs_ephemeris_satellite = gaia_orbit(t, self.epsilon) return bcrs_ephemeris_satellite
def __init_state(self): """ :return: initial status of satellite """ self.t = 0 self._lambda = 0 self._beta = 0 = 0 = 0 self.l, self.j, self.k = ft.compute_ljk(self.epsilon) self.s = self.l*np.cos(self._lambda) + self.j*np.sin(self._lambda) self.attitude = self.__init_attitude() self.z = ft.xyz_to_lmn(self.attitude, np.array([0, 0, 1])) self.x = ft.xyz_to_lmn(self.attitude, np.array([1, 0, 0])) self.w = np.cross(np.array([0, 0, 1]), self.z) def __init_attitude(self): """ (Lindegren, SAG-LL-35, Eq.6) :return: quaternion equivalent to initialization of satellite """ q1 = np.quaternion(np.cos(self.epsilon/2), np.sin(self.epsilon/2), 0, 0) q2 = np.quaternion(np.cos(self._lambda/2), 0, 0, np.sin(self._lambda/2)) q3 = np.quaternion(np.cos(( - (np.pi/2.))/2), np.sin(( - (np.pi/2.)) / 2), 0, 0) q4 = np.quaternion(np.cos((np.pi / 2. - self.xi)/2), 0, np.sin((np.pi/2. - self.xi)/2), 0) q5 = np.quaternion(np.cos(, 0, 0, np.sin( q_total = q1*q2*q3*q4*q5 return q_total def __update(self, dt): """ Update value of functions for next moment in time by calculating their infinitesimal change in dt :param dt: time step to calculate derivatives of functions .. note:: This function is the slowest for the creation of the satellite """ self.t = self.t + dt # update lambda self._lambda = self._lambda + self.lambda_dot * dt # Update nu nu_dot = (self.lambda_dot/np.sin(self.xi))*(np.sqrt(self.S**2 - np.cos(**2) + np.cos(self.xi)*np.sin( = + nu_dot * dt # how does the longitude and latitude of the z axis changes with time: self.lamb_z = self._lambda + np.arctan2(np.tan(self.xi) * np.cos(, 1) self.beta_z = np.arcsin(np.sin(self.xi) * np.sin( # Update Omega omega_dot = self.wz - nu_dot * np.cos(self.xi) - self.lambda_dot * np.sin(self.xi) * np.sin( = + omega_dot * dt # Update S self.s = self.l * np.cos(self._lambda) + self.j * np.sin(self._lambda) # Update z z_dot = np.cross(self.k, self.z) * self.lambda_dot + np.cross(self.s, self.z) * nu_dot self.z = self.z + z_dot * dt self.z = self.z/np.linalg.linalg.norm(self.z) # Update w (total inertial rotation of the telescope) self.w = self.k * self.lambda_dot + self.s * nu_dot + self.z * omega_dot # change attitude by delta_quat w_magnitude = np.linalg.norm(self.w) d_zheta = w_magnitude * dt tmp_vector = self.w / w_magnitude tmp_angle = d_zheta/2. delta_quat = quaternion.from_rotation_vector(tmp_vector * tmp_angle) # w is not in bcrs frame. self.attitude = delta_quat * self.attitude # x axis rotates through quaternion multiplication x_quat = np.quaternion(0, self.x[0], self.x[1], self.x[2]) x_quat = delta_quat * x_quat * delta_quat.conjugate() self.x = ft.quat_to_vector(x_quat) def __attitude_spline(self): """ Creates spline for each component of the attitude quaternion: s_x, s_y, s_z, s_w Attributes ----------- :func_attitude: lambda func, returns: attitude quaternion at time t from spline. :func_x_axis_lmn: lambda func, returns: position of x_axis of satellite at time t, in lmn frame. :func_z_axis_lmn: lambda func, returns: position of z_axis of satellite at time t, in lmn frame. """ w_list = [] x_list = [] y_list = [] z_list = [] t_list = [] for obj in t_list.append(obj[0]) x_list.append(obj[4].x) y_list.append(obj[4].y) z_list.append(obj[4].z) w_list.append(obj[4].w) # This should be faster ?? yes but it is not a bottleneck. update() is # t_list = np.array([:, 0] # x_list = np.array([:, 4].x # y_list = np.array([:, 4].y # z_list = np.array([:, 4].z # w_list = np.array([:, 4].w # Splines for each coordinates i, i_list at each time in t_list of degree k (order = k+1) self.s_w = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(t_list, w_list, k=self.spline_degree) self.s_x = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(t_list, x_list, k=self.spline_degree) self.s_y = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(t_list, y_list, k=self.spline_degree) self.s_z = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(t_list, z_list, k=self.spline_degree) # Attitude self.func_attitude = lambda t: np.quaternion(self.s_w(t), self.s_x(t), self.s_y(t), self.s_z(t)).normalized() # Attitude in the lmn frame self.func_x_axis_lmn = lambda t: ft.xyz_to_lmn(self.func_attitude(t), np.array([1, 0, 0])) # wherewe want to be self.func_y_axis_lmn = lambda t: ft.xyz_to_lmn(self.func_attitude(t), np.array([0, 1, 0])) self.func_z_axis_lmn = lambda t: ft.xyz_to_lmn(self.func_attitude(t), np.array([0, 0, 1])) def __reset_to_time(self, t, dt): ''' Resets satellite to time t, along with all the parameters corresponding to that time. :param t: to time [day] :param dt: [day] ''' self.__init_state() n_steps = t / dt for i in np.arange(n_steps): self.__update(dt) def __create_storage(self, ti, tf, dt): ''' Creates data necessary for step numerical methods performed in builtin method .__update() Args: ti (float): integrating time lower limit [days] tf (float): integrating time upper limit [days] dt (float): step discretness of integration. Notes: stored in: ''' if len( == 0: self.__reset_to_time(ti, dt) n_steps = (tf - ti) / dt[self.t, self.w, self.z, self.x, self.attitude, self.s]) for i in np.arange(n_steps): self.__update(dt)[self.t, self.w, self.z, self.x, self.attitude, self.s]) x: x[0])
[docs] def reset(self, ti, tf, dt): """ :return: reset satellite to initialization status """ self.__init_state() self.__create_storage(ti, tf, dt) self.__init_state() # need to reset self.x to initial state for initialization of spline functions. self.__attitude_spline()