Source code for frame_transformations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Contains functions that for frame transformations and rotations

:Authors: mdelvallevaro, LucaZampieri (2018)

.. note:: In this file, when there is a reference, unless explicitly stated otherwise,
    it refers to Lindegren main article:
    "The astronometric core solution for the Gaia mission - overview of models,
    algorithms, and software implementation" by L. Lindegren, U. Lammer, D. Hobbs,
    W. O'Mullane, U. Bastian, and J.Hernandez
    The reference is usually made in the following way: Ref. Paper [LUDW2011]_ eq. [1]


import numpy as np
import quaternion

[docs]def zero_to_two_pi_to_minus_pi_pi(angle, unit='radians'): """ Tranforms an angle in range [0-2*pi] to range [-pi, pi] by substracting 2pi to any angle greater than pi. Info: Can be used with numpy arrays :param angle: [rad] angle or array of angles in [0-2*pi] format :param unit: [str] specify if the input data is in radians or degrees :returns: angle in the [-pi, pi] format """ if unit == 'radians': indices_to_modify = np.where(angle > np.pi) angle[indices_to_modify] = angle[indices_to_modify] - 2*np.pi elif unit == 'degrees': indices_to_modify = np.where(angle > 180) angle[indices_to_modify] = angle[indices_to_modify] - 360 else: raise ValueError('Not a valid *unit* value. Can be degrees or radians') return angle
[docs]def transform_twoPi_into_halfPi(deltas): """ Tranforms an angle in range [0-2*pi] to range [-pi/2, pi/2] by substracting 2pi to any angle greater than pi. .. warning:: The input angles have to be defined between [0,pi/2] and [3pi/2, 2pi] :param delta: input angles :return: modified angles """ deltas = np.array(deltas) to_modify_indices = np.where(deltas > np.pi)[0] deltas[to_modify_indices] -= 2*np.pi return deltas
[docs]def vector_to_alpha_delta(vector, two_pi=False): """ Ref. Paper [LUDW2011]_ eq. [96] Convert carthesian coordinates of a vector into its corresponding polar coordinates (0 - 2*pi) :param vector: [array] X,Y,Z coordinates in CoMRS frame (non-rotating) :param two_pi: [bool] if True return delta in [0,2pi] instead of [-pi/2,pi/2] :return: [rad][rad] alpha, delta """ radius = np.sqrt(vector[0] ** 2 + vector[1] ** 2 + vector[2] ** 2) delta = np.arcsin(vector[2]/radius) # gives delta in [-pi/2, pi/2] alpha = np.arctan2(vector[1], vector[0]) % (2*np.pi) if two_pi is True: dist_xy = np.sqrt(vector[0]**2+vector[1]**2) delta = np.arctan2(vector[2], dist_xy) % (2*np.pi) # gives delta in [0, 2pi] return alpha, delta
[docs]def polar_to_direction(alpha, delta): """ Convert polar angles to unit direction vector :param alpha: [rad] :param delta: [rad] :returns: 3D np.array unit vector """ x = np.cos(alpha)*np.cos(delta) y = np.sin(alpha)*np.cos(delta) z = np.sin(delta) return np.array([x, y, z])
[docs]def adp_to_cartesian(alpha, delta, parallax): """ Convert coordinates from (alpha, delta, parallax) format into the (x, y, z) format. :param azimuth: [rad] :param altitude: [rad] :param parallax: [mas] :return: [parsec](x, y, z) array in parsecs. """ parallax = parallax / const.rad_per_arcsec # from rad to arcsec x = (1/parallax)*np.cos(delta)*np.cos(alpha) y = (1/parallax)*np.cos(delta)*np.sin(alpha) z = (1/parallax)*np.sin(delta) return np.array([x, y, z])
[docs]def compute_ljk(epsilon): """ | Ref. [Lind2001]_ (Lindegren, SAG-LL-35, Eq.1) | Calculates ecliptic triad vectors with respect to BCRS-frame. :param epsilon: obliquity of the equator. :return: np.array, np.array, np.array of the ecliptic triad: * **l**: is a unit vector toward (alpha, delta) = (0,0)`) * **n**: is a unit vector towards delta = 90° * **m** = **n** x **l** """ L = np.array([1, 0, 0]) j = np.array([0, np.cos(epsilon), np.sin(epsilon)]) k = np.array([0, -np.sin(epsilon), np.cos(epsilon)]) return L, j, k
[docs]def compute_pqr(alpha, delta): """ | Ref. Paper [LUDW2011]_ eq. [5] | **Can be used also with numpy arrays** | Computes the p, q, r parameters :param alpha: [rad] astronomic parameter alpha :param delta: [rad] astronomic parameter alpha :returns: p, q, r """ p = np.array([-np.sin(alpha), np.cos(alpha), 0]) q = np.array([-np.sin(delta)*np.cos(alpha), -np.sin(delta)*np.sin(alpha), np.cos(delta)]) r = np.array([np.cos(delta)*np.cos(alpha), np.cos(delta)*np.sin(alpha), np.sin(delta)]) return p, q, r
[docs]def rotate_by_quaternion(quaternion, vector): """ Ref. Paper [LUDW2011]_ eq. [9] rotate vector by quaternion """ q_vector = vector_to_quat(vector) q_rotated_vector = quaternion * q_vector * quaternion.inverse() return quat_to_vector(q_rotated_vector)
[docs]def quat_to_vector(quat): """ :param quat: [quaternion] Quaternion to transform into vector :return: 3D array made with x,y,z components of the quaternion """ return quaternion.as_float_array(quat)[1:]
[docs]def vector_to_quat(vector): """ Transform vector to quaternion by setting x,y,z components of the quaternion with x,y,z components of the vector. :param vector: vector to transform to quaternion :return: quaternion created from vector """ return np.quaternion(0, vector[0], vector[1], vector[2])
[docs]def xyz_to_lmn(attitude, vector): """ Ref. Paper [LUDW2011]_ eq. [9] Go from the rotating (xyz) SRS frame to the non-rotating (lmn) CoMRS frame .. note:: The attitude Quaternion q(t) gives the rotation from (lmn) to (xyz) (lmn) being the CoMRS (C), and (xyz) the SRS (S). The relation between the two frames is given by: {C'v,0} = q {S'v,0} q^-1 for an any vector v :param attitude: Quaternion object :param vector: array of 3D :return: the coordinates in LMN-frame of the input vector. """ q_vector_xyz = vector_to_quat(vector) q_vector_lmn = attitude * q_vector_xyz * attitude.inverse() return quat_to_vector(q_vector_lmn)
[docs]def lmn_to_xyz(attitude, vector): """ Ref. Paper [LUDW2011]_ eq. [9] Goes from the non-rotating (lmn) CoMRS frame to the rotating (xyz) SRS frame .. note:: The attitude Quaternion q(t) gives the rotation from (lmn) to (xyz) (lmn) being the CoMRS (C), and (xyz) the SRS (S). The relation between the two frames is given by: {S'v,0} = q^-1 {C'v,0} q for an any vector v :param attitude: Quaternion object :param vector: array of 3D :return: the coordinates in XYZ-frame of the input vector. """ q_vector_lmn = vector_to_quat(vector) q_vector_xyz = attitude.inverse() * q_vector_lmn * attitude return quat_to_vector(q_vector_xyz)